About UV Test
Ultraviolet exposure (UV radiation tests) designed to figure out how a product or component will impact the effects of ultraviolet radiation; this test can create different effects on the products. Exposure to UV radiation can create some effects on products, including material fatigue and reduction of strength and general deterioration. UV radiation tests used to test products and components under solar radiation conditions. These tests allow engineers to reproduce the conditions a product is likely to be exposed to during its lifetime. The UV test also allows manufacturers to promote the level of UV resistance the product has on its packaging. We can offer importers and local manufacturers full testing or partial testing on the following standards/appliances.
Applicable Standard
IEC 60068-2-5:2018 :Environmental testing – Part 2-5: Tests – Test S: Simulated solar radiation at ground level and guidance for solar radiation testing and weathering
UV Test Equipment
UV chamber tester can reproduce the damage caused by sunlight, rain and dew. In a few days or weeks, then it also has the ability to simulate the damage that occurs over months or years outdoors. To simulate outdoor weathering, our equipment exposes materials to alternating cycles of UV light and moisture at controlled, elevated temperatures. It simulates the effects of sunlight using special fluorescent UV lamps. It simulates dew and rain with condensing humidity and/or water spray.
UVA:The lamp can simulate the short-wave ultraviolet light in sunlight, from 365 nanometers to the wavelength range of 295 nm.
UVB:Medium-wavelength UVB is very biologically active. It is responsible for delayed tanning and burning; in addition to these short-term effects, it enhances material surface ageing. The UVB light emitted by the lamp is stronger than the natural ultraviolet light that usually shines on the surface of the earth, so that it can accelerate material ageing. However, the lamp may cause extra damage to some materials. Our lab can use UVB Lamps to test for quality control and research and development or to run tests on materials with strong weather resistance.
UVC:Short-wavelength UVC is the most damaging type of UV radiation. UVC is the type that has the most germicidal benefits, killing bacteria and deactivating viruses if the exposure dose is high enough. However, any UVC exposure strong enough to kill germs is likely strong enough to be a risk to people, pets and plants.

Associate Standards
AS/NZS 60335.1:2011 (Includes IEC text): Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 1: General requirements
AS/NZS 60950.1:2015: Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60800 Ed. 3.0 b(2009): Heating cables with a rated voltage of 300/500 V for comfort heating and prevention of ice formation
AS/NZS 60598.2.1:2014: Luminaires – Part 2.1: Particular requirements – Fixed general purpose luminaires
ASTM G151:Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices That Use Laboratory Light Sources
ASTM G154: Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials
EN 13523-10 (DIN):Coil Coated Metals – Test Methods Part 10: Resistance to Fluorescent UV Radiation and Water Condensation
IEC 61215: Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovaltalic (PV) Modules – Design Qualification and Type Approval
IEC 61345:UV Test for Photovaltalic (PV) Modules
ISO 29664:Plastics – Artificial weathering including acidic deposition
ISO 4892-1 (EN) (DIN):Plastics – Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources – Part 1: General guidance
ISO 4892-3 (EN) (DIN):Plastics – Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources – Part 3: Fluorescent UV Lamps